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NodeJS responsive Forbidden City culture promotion website


In the 21st century, in the era of informatization, almost any industry is inseparable from computers, and it is very common to use computers on scenic spot cultural promotion websites. In the past, the use of manual publicity management methods to manage the cultural publicity of the Forbidden City, resulting in cumbersome management, difficult maintenance and other problems, now the use of computers to manage the basic information of the Forbidden City cultural publicity, compared with manual management is both convenient and simple, and has many advantages such as easy management, fast search speed, large storage and so on. Its use in the cultural publicity of the Forbidden City can not only improve the work efficiency of administrators in the cultural publicity management of the Forbidden City, but also make the cultural publicity and management of the Forbidden City more scientific and standardized. Under the continuous impact of the information age, the combination of cultural publicity and computer technology of the Forbidden City will be a shortcut to improve the management level of the Forbidden City.Based on the positioning and discussion of the development needs of responsive Forbidden City cultural publicity website design, this paper explores its implementation.

After my comprehensive consideration, the design of the responsive Forbidden City culture promotion website adopts the B/S model, the front-end framework adopts the more popular progressive JavaScript framework Vue .js, and the back-end part is based on the koa development framework of Node.js, while integrating Redis and other related technologies for development. The system realizes the computer management of various workflows within the management of tourist attractions, including the administrator system's Forbidden City announcement management, resource management, system users, tour guides, online ticket booking, panoramic Forbidden City, Forbidden City Forum, Forbidden City exploration, palace history, cultural creativity, cultural and creative orders, museum activities, collection display and other functions, as well as user password modification, personal information modification and other functions.

Key words:Node.js technology; koa framework; Vue .js; Redis storage



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