
XX 大 学







题目: 基于Java技术的网上交易系统的开发








    :   xxx            

学生姓名:    xx             

指导老师:  xx               












关键词:电子商务  j2EE  struts + spring + hibernate



















Development of an Online Trading System Based on Java Technology


With the establishment of high way of information, the popularization of Internet and the rapid development of network technology, human society has entered a society of information.

E-commerce is a new business transaction, through which both buyers and sellers can use a simple, fast and low-cost means of electronic and communication. With the development of the Internet, and people's consumption idea and the way of life changing, this new business model has gradually integrated into people's lives. Through the portal site of enterprise, people can look up the goods which they required without going out; through the different virtual mall visit, people can find the most cost-effective products, and they have much self-choice; through orders, people can find the things which they need, and quickly get the products which they ordered. This new business modle can save a lot of time and energy for custormers, and greatly reduce inventory risk of manufaturers. The manufactures can procure and produce according to customer needs, this was called on-demand procurement and production, which greatly improved the efficiency.

The subject of this graduation project is designing a web-based online trading system. This system mainly uses j2EE as the basis of development, and also use the struts + spring + hibernate technologies and other orders. This project use eclipse as the development tools, and Macromedia's Dreamweaver as the interfaces landscaping tools. The basic functions of an online trading system have been implemented, which include administrator login, management and maintenance; user registration, login, write-offs personal information enquiries and amendments; commodity management, cart management, order management. Interface of the system is simple, it can be used and maintained easily.

Key words:  E-commerce  j2EE  struts + spring + hibernate







Abstract  III

第一章  引言... 6

1.1      课题背景... 6

1.2      课题目的和意义... 6

1.3      本文结构... 6

第二章 系统应用的关键技术... 7

2.1 JSP技术介绍... 7

2.1.1 JSP的概述... 7

2.1.3 JSP的强势与劣势... 8

2.1.4 JSPASP的比较... 9

2.2 Java组件JavaBeans. 9

2.2.1 什么是JavaBeans. 9

2.2.2 JSPJavaBeans的关系... 10

2.3 J2EE概述... 10

2.4关于Struts. 11

2.4.1 Struts简介... 11

2.4.2 Struts的主要功能... 11

2.5 关于Spring. 13

2.5.1 Spring简介... 13

2.5.2 为什么需要Spring. 14

2.5.3 Spring带给我们什么... 14

2.6 关于Hibernate. 15

2.6.1为什么引入hibernate. 15

2.6.2使用Hibernate的好处... 15

2.6.3 Hibernate的工作原理... 15

2.7 Mysql 17

2.7.1 mysql的特点... 17

2.7.2 mysql的安装和配置(部分截图)... 17

2.8 Tomcat服务器... 19

2.8.1 Tomcat 服务器简介... 19

2.8.2 Tomcat的特点... 19

2.8.3 Tomcat的优势... 19

2.8.4 Tomcat服务器的安装和配置... 19

小结        20

第三章 系统需求分析和总体设计... 21

3.1 系统功能需求... 21

3.2 系统角色及其功能分析... 22

3.2.1 系统的3个角色:... 22

3.2.2 系统角色的功能... 22

3.3 总体设计思想概述... 22

3.4 数据库设计... 23

3.4.1 E-R... 23

3.4.2数据表的设计... 24

3.5 系统的类设计... 26

3.5.1 DAO类设计... 26

3.5.2 POJO类设计(部分)... 27

3.5.3 过滤器类设计... 27

3.5.4 监听器类设计... 28

3.6系统的用例图... 28

3.6.1 总体用例分析... 28

3.6.2 用户管理用例分析... 29

3.6.3 购物车管理用例分析... 30

小结        31

第四章 系统的详细设计... 31

4.1 数据库与POJO映射的实现... 31

4.2 主要模块的设计说明与界面... 33

4.2.1用户管理模块... 33

4.2.2购物车管理模块... 38

4.2.3 定单模块... 43

4.3 系统的测试... 47

小结        48

第五章 总结与展望... 48

5.1 工作总结... 48

5.2 后续工作展望... 49

参考文献    50

附录        51

致谢        54






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