




摘  要





With the popularization of mobile network and the rapid development of various service industries, the demand for lecture registration through mobile terminal is increasing day by day. The traditional way of registration for lectures has been unable to meet the needs of users for efficient, convenient and personalized services. Therefore, it is very meaningful to design and implement a lecture registration system based on wechat mini program. The implementation of the system not only facilitates the user to register for lectures through wechat, improves the efficiency of the service, but also provides the administrator with convenient management functions to facilitate the viewing and management of information. In addition, the system has a forum exchange function to facilitate users to interact with each other. The system uses SpringBoot framework for back-end development, and makes use of its powerful functions and flexibility to quickly build a stable and scalable background service. MySQL, as a relational database management system, stores all the data of the system to ensure the security and integrity of the data. The development of the front-end wechat mini program takes advantage of the wechat ecosystem to provide users with an intuitive and easy-to-use interface. Through testing, the system can achieve the established development goals.

Keywords: Lecture registration system; SpringBoot framework; Wechat mini program; MYSQL


目  录

1 绪 论... 1

1.1课题背景... 1

1.2研究意义... 1

1.3论文组织结构... 2

2系统关键技术... 3

2.1微信小程序... 3

2.2 Springboot框架... 3

2.3 JAVA简介... 3

2.4 MYSQL数据库... 4

3系统分析... 5

3.1可行性分析... 5

3.1.1 技术可行性... 5

3.1.2经济可行性... 5

3.1.3操作可行性... 5

3.1.4法律可行性... 6

3.2系统性能分析... 6

3.3  系统功能分析... 6

3.4系统流程分析... 8

3.4.1注册流程... 8

3.4.2登录流程... 9

3.4.3添加信息流程... 10

3.4.4报名流程... 10

4系统设计... 11

4.1系统结构设计... 11

4.2系统顺序图设计... 11

4.2.1 登录顺序图... 11

4.2.2 注册顺序图... 12

4.3数据库设计... 12

4.3.1数据库概念结构设计... 12

4.3.2数据库逻辑结构设计... 15

5 系统的实现... 20

5.1微信端功能模块的实现... 20

5.1.1首页界面... 20

5.1.2注册登录界面... 20

5.1.3讲座信息界面... 21

5.1.4预约报名界面... 22

5.1.5论坛交流界面... 23

5.1.6用户信息界面... 24

5.2服务端功能模块的实现... 25

5.2.1登录界面... 25

5.2.2用户管理界面... 26

5.2.3讲座类型界面... 26

5.2.4讲座信息管理界面... 27

5.2.5预约报名管理界面... 27

5.2.6论坛交流界面... 28

6系统测试... 29

6.1测试概述... 29

6.2测试用例... 29

6.2.1 注册测试... 29

6.2.2 登录测试... 30

6.3.3 用户管理测试... 30

6.3.4 修改密码测试... 31

6.3 测试结论... 31

结 论... 32

参考文献... 33

谢 辞... 34

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