




With the deepening and extensive application of information technology in management, schools and some training institutions are using information tactics to deploy online learning and online examinations, which can be organically combined with offline examinations. The design and implementation of an online education website based on SSM is technically mature. This article introduces the whole process of the design and implementation of the SSM-based online education website. By analyzing the needs of enterprises for the design and implementation of SSM-based online education websites, a computer management plan for the design and implementation of SSM-based online education websites was created. The article introduces the system analysis part of the design and implementation of SSM-based online education website, including feasibility analysis, etc. The system design part mainly introduces the system function design and database design.
The design and implementation of this SSM-based online education website has three roles: administrator, teacher and student. Administrator functions include personal center, teacher management, subject management, student management, course information management, course work management, student work management, student performance management, discussion center, system management, etc. Teacher functions include personal center, course information management, course homework management, student homework management, student achievement management, etc. Student functions include personal center, student homework management, student achievement management, my collection management, etc. So it has a certain practicability.
This site is a B/S model system, using Java's SSM framework as the development technology, and MYSQL database design and development, which fully guarantees the stability of the system. The system has the characteristics of clear interface, simple operation and complete functions, which makes the design and implementation of the SSM-based online education website systematized and standardized.
Keywords: Design and implementation of online education website based on SSM; SSM framework; MYSQL database

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